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I set my one word for 2018 to be “evolve”.  With my own evolution, meant the evolution of my company. I’ve been lucky to work with clients and colleagues that are pioneering what work and leadership development is all about. I invite you to experience part of the evolution by taking a look at our new website and attending one of our upcoming events next week to inspire your own evolution!

February 28th at 6:00, How Emotional Intelligence & Conscious Leadership Lead to Digital Transformation + Free Beer! –  Join us at General Assembly where we will hear from and interact with a progressive panel of leaders who understand the link between digital transformation and conscious leadership. They will discuss the role emotional intelligence and conscious leadership play in their strategy and what they are doing to embrace and embody these concepts within their respective companies. Register Here.

March 1st at 9:30, Getting Your Board From How to What: Moving From a Working Board to Strategic Leadership – In partnership with Highline Academy, we’ll be presenting an interactive workshop at the Colorado Charter Schools Conference. We’ll take participants through a “mini” session demonstrating how we engaged the head, heart and gut of Highline Academy leadership to enable major shifts in their strategic priorities. Register Here.

March 3rd at 2:30, Leading with your WHOLE Self – As part of the day long Success Business Summit, Renelle will be speaking in the afternoon. Come for the whole day of inspiration, connection and shift. Learn how you can more fully engage your whole self in your leadership and open the potential of everyone around you! Register Here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Author Renelle Darr

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