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Welcome Back!

As we welcome back the new school year and all the newness it brings every year, it seemed time to also welcome back the InSight newsletter. While I haven’t published a newsletter in some time, the last year has been one of the most interesting and compelling since I started InSight in 2008. It was filled with challenges such as two painful foot surgeries and also with client work that has been some of best I’ve done.  When I started this business in 2008, I knew I wanted to be part of helping to make the workplace different. I knew it was wearing many people out and I believed mindful leadership development and coaching was key to begin shifting workplaces.  In addition,  had a background in strategy and organizational change and also had great interest in broader systemic change in the workplace. This last year has given me a chance to truly merge these two for my clients and whether it has been executive coaching, strategy facilitation, executive team development, talent strategy or culture transformation, one thing has been a major influence and my good friend Kami Guildner invited me to speak about it on her Extraordinary Women podcast earlier in the summer.

In the interview, I share my thoughts on the evolution of leadership and humanity – and why it’s so important today. If we start from the inside-out, what might that do for us collectively? As a family? Within our organizations? Within society? Many people spend half their waking life at work, yet work is a place where a large number of people don’t want to be. What if more people could bring their whole self to work and what if that led to not only greater personal fulfillment… but to more organizational success? Check it out HERE.  Enjoy – and be sure jump to iTunes and subscribe to future episodes of Extraordinary Women Radio!

It is good to be back!


“The most exciting breakthroughs in the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.”

– John Naisbitt

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Author Renelle Darr

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