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Finding the Energy

Gearing down on 2014 can be tiring and sometimes even frantic.  I know I have many things to get done before the clock strikes January 1, 2015.  However, now is a great time to reflect on what may energize both you and your team as we move forward into a new year.  The Energy Project has some interesting statistics from their Energy Audit and one that sticks with me is that 74% of employees are experiencing a personal energy crisis. Their research goes on to support ways to counteract this and thus increase retention and productivity in our organizations.  Their findings are aligned with those you may see from Gallup and others.  Below are those four core needs and some year-end reflection questions.

Renewal – Feeling encouraged by one’s supervisor to take breaks doubles the sense of health and well being. How often do you observe your employees’ habits at work?  Do you know what renews each person? Do check in and make sure they are taking time for renewal? Are you modeling renewal for your team?

Value – Employees who say they have more supportive supervisors are 1.3 times as likely to stay with the organization. Do you understand your employees’ individual values? How do you look for opportunities and small moments that embrace people’s unique talents and values?

Focus- Employees with the ability to focus on one task a time and properly prioritize are 60% more engaged. How do you ensure your team understands their top 3 priorities for the day, the week and the month? Do you build in time for employees to avoid digital distractions (yes, I do mean no email or conference calls) and thus cognitive overload?

Purpose – This is the highest of any single variable.  Employees who derive meaning and significance from their work are more than three times as likely to stay at an organization. Do you encourage conversations that address the “why” of the task, strategy or process?  How do you recognize both the big and small things our team do that make a difference? What things bring you personal meaning at work? Do you share that with your team?

It is amazing how these four basic core needs are often  overlooked in our fast-paced workplace yet they have the power to impact the bottom line in a real and meaningful way.  How will you bring energy into your organization in 2015?  Here is to a happy and energetic new year!

A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.”

– Ralph Lauren

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Author Renelle Darr

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